
Allow Clients to Purchase Packages

Michael Dingwall 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 3 months ago 10

Currently Clients are not able to buy Packages online. These can only be sold by Admin or Sub admin. 

When booking online the system prompts users only with the Drop in price instead of the ability to purchase larger pass packs online. This increases workload of admin as individuals wait to purchase in person. Further it does not allow individuals unfamiliar with the facility/club the knowledge base of these programs.

I recommend adding the ability for clients to see all payment options available which booking online.

i agree this is a huge thing for my business. I want our clients to have full control of what they buy autonomously online, memberships, packages and lessons.  Currently i'm not a fan of having to assign a package upon request its an administrative burden i would rather not have.

Agreed.  Like on any transaction, we need the option for punch receipts to be issued, when needed, like one for cash on the POS and member side.  As we are an outside venue, it helps us know who should be there and how they paid when they have proof of purchase.

Agreed. The customer should be able to purchase the packages on their own. I believe this would increase the number of packages sold and the number of class registrants. 

I agree, as it is a big part of our sales channels. Allowing customers to purchase online before coming to the club is a much smoother process for everyone. A purchase page to buy a credit package on the member portal and then an option to use those credits when booking a lesson. Do hope this is implemented soon. 

I'm excited to say that we are working on this right now! It's not in development, but we're writing requirements. Coming soon! 

This would be a huge upgrade for our community not-for-profit club since we don't maintain a staffed front desk and all our admins/sub-admins are volunteers. Manually selling individual packages to members is not an efficient way for our volunteers to be spending their time. In an era where online storefronts have become ubiquitous, our members have both the knowledge & desire to purchase these items directly. We've just transitioned to CR from an absolute dog of a competitor's system - the *only* downside to our transition to CR is this missing feature. Everything else about CR is simply amazing! Keep up the great work.

In Progress

Happy to report this is coming soon. We're about halfway dev complete and are working on how this displays to the end user (you and your customers)... stay tuned 😊

Thanks for the update Kim! I'd be happy to help out by reviewing the specification or as a beta tester (on a test account) whenever you're ready for that step - I have what sometimes feels like several centuries of relevant experience. :-)


The ability to sell packages on the member portal was released today! https://courtreserve.releasenotes.io/release/oZKaF-new-features-enhancements-792024

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