In Review

Use square as payment option

Shaida Nanji 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Laura Zink 1 year ago 3
In Review


Thanks for the idea, but we already have a fully integrated payment solution along with our on POS system, so we will not be integrating Square at this time. Can I ask the use case behind wanting to use Square in lieu of what we offer out of the box?  

square offers some interesting cool additional features like loyalty points that you can assign to certain reervation types, i.e. early 3x points if you book make a reservation at a certain time. Those points are like gift card credits that can be redeemed for future bookings and or merchandise etc.  They have allot more options

I was just coming here to see if anyone suggested Square as a payment integration. It is so much better from our end than Stripe. Square has better rates, better customer service, and systems that seem more up to date! Would love a reconsideration!!