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ability to upload and manage the image library outside of the one-off image load in the HTML editor

Drew Seath 2 years ago in Website Builder updated by Doug Smook 1 year ago 3

I'm told the only way to upload images is to do it one at a time in the HTML editor.  This is clumsy and time-consuming when you want to upload. a bunch of images.  Also, when you've uploaded an image, sometimes you find it is the wrong size or needs cropping and you need to upload multiple versions of the same image - but don't need all of them, there is no way to delete the ones you don't need.  Finally, It would be great to be able to store images in folders so that you can organize them by topic (here are all of the party pics, here are all of the XYZ pics) instead of having a big blob of images.  One more thing, it would also be helpful to be able to rename files after they are uploaded.

I agree, the app is limited in how images can be shared, but often with a club, it's nice to share event photos, champions etc, but no easy way to format this.

Unless I am doing it incorrectly I find that when creating a Hero row I have to find the image to upload on my computer but when I "insert image" on a Content row, it brings up the insert image dialogue box where previous uploads reside.  It would be nice if inserting an image is the same across the board.  Thanks.