
Domain forwarding with masking

Drew Seath 2 years ago in Any other Ideas / Suggestions 😁 updated by Jeff Hagy 3 months ago 13 1 duplicate

I thought I'd added this as long as two years ago but maybe not...

We forward our domain to our CR site and would like for you to support domain forwarding masking so that the URL shows our domain name not CR.  This will avoid confusion from our users.

Duplicates 1

A stretch goal would be to also allow the insertion of a Google AdSense Tag on these custom domain pages.

I meant Google Analytics, not AdSense.

Waiting on Votes

Hey Mike, both of these are on the radar for this year.

Hey Tim, I was wondering if this is still on your roadmap for this year?

Hey Ben,

Would seem like a no since it's 2023. Too bad no one from CR responded to your post. I wish we could actually tag Tim/CR Team for some help. 

of course, I would have posted this under one of the other sites I manage since this is a new one.

I think what you're asking for is domain forwarding with masking.  I've asked for this for years too.  I wonder how many similar posts ask for the same thing.  Perhaps CR Product team could collapse them into one request (I've seen them do it before) so you can see how much in demand this is.

Thank you, Kim!  Any news on whether or when we might see this?

Under Review

Great news!

We are going to be adding a way to subdomain your member portal.  For example, you will be able to point a subdomain like "bookings.myclubname.com" to your CourtReserve member portal page.  We are still working out the technical details on our side on how this is going to work, but it is coming! 

Stay tuned... 

Thank you Tim! This will be useful to eliminate confusion with branding at my organization. Looking forward to the update when its released! Best of luck on the technical details!