Waiting on Votes

Request for members to order items from POS system online via Member Portal.

James Thompson 2 years ago in Point of Sale / Inventory Management updated by Doug Smook 2 years ago 5

Request for members to order items from POS online via Member Portal. We don't have retail store & inventory. We manually order member embroidered club logo shirts & caps from a Screenprint Vendor but have to meet their minimums. We then have to manually bill the member for their item when we finally place the master order. The POS system would need to have sizes, colors, and vendor item # fields added to it. Would also need ability to run member reports to see member items and quantities ordered but not billed. When vendor minimums are met, we would then manually order the product from the vendor and post the fee to the member's account.  When fee is posted it also changes open members POS item on order file to ordered. This enhancement would make POS more robust and save much administrative time and member's time.

As we start to expand our use of CR, this will become a major issue where members cannot purchase online store items thru the portal.  With this feature, it means the admin will always have to be involved which is a waste of resources, meaning CR is abandonong the find, click and pay for products available and to be delivered.  While I am still learning the setup before I apply, we need to see a purchase and hand over the product to the buyer in 5 seconds if buyer completes online.  CR has a model which is amazing, but for clubs to expand revenue, members need to look into the store and buy it for pick up with input of the relate "pickup" notes. also, we need to be able to link to a 3rd party vendor for purchase and fulfillment in a few easy clicks.

i agree this is needed for my business too.  Its the only major drawback so far from the system, all else is great.- i've used up all my votes but this would have gotten the full 3 from me!  

working on kiosk for various walk up purchases in pos to issue receipt.  Will need Tim's help to complete.  Automation is the key for all of us

I will have to admit, I thought this was already an option when I researched CR.  Only now, as I am at the stage of setting up our online payment system, do I realize it is only available on the Admin side of CR.  This was one of 3 features that drew us to CR and would appreciate the ability to allow customers to order and pay for club merchandise online via the CR member portal.