
Ability to view the number of FREE Events and Reservations used for a specific date range for a customer.

Allan Haseley 1 year ago in Reports / Event Reports updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 3 1 duplicate

The new DISCOUNTS feature for Events and Reservations has allowed us to offer more benefits to our membership programs.

The main feature we now offer for our two main membership types is a certain number of FREE Events per month. Of course the main question we are getting now is “How many more Free sessions do I have left this month.”

We currently tell customers to go their Member Portal and click on My Events and click on PAST Events and put in the current month date range and then sort by Cost and count the number of $0.00. Then click on UPCOMING Events and sort by Cost and then look for any Event in the current month (since the UPCOMING Events Tab you cannot enter a date range).

We can do the same thing for the customer on the Admin side, but still have to sort through the PAST and UPCOMING Events separately and manually count the $0.00 Cost Events.

Our request is to add a new TAB to the Member Portal and Admin side (in addition to UPCOMING and PAST), maybe called HISTORY (or allow option on PAST to display PAST and UPCOMING together) and add in a FILTER for customer to Search By DATE and search by a COST range and possibly total the number of Events the report finds. This would allow all customers (and admin) to use this report to not only find out how many FREE sessions they have registered for, but also search for any Events and Cost range.

The other option would be to add a Tab called FREE and have the customer enter a Date Range and have the system display a simple chart of the number of FREE Sessions and Reservations used for that date range. Very similar to the chart for Number of Packages Used and Remaining.


Pickleball Charlotte

Duplicates 1

Also, I noticed that if I give 5 free hours and they have used 3 hours and go to book 2.5 hours more they are charged for the 2.5 hours. If they book 2 hours (what is remaining) it's free. Should be a way to just charge the half hour overage.