
Staff Timeclock

Tim Owens 4 years ago in Add-On Modules updated 2 days ago 17

The idea here is to provide a simple clock-in/clock-out module for staff.  Time reports will be presented along with PTO features and future payroll integration with other companies.

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Love this and wondering what the projected time frame is for payroll integration. Might an API be useful?

Would absolutely love this feature to be added.

Yes yes Yea please ADD this!  Would be a great feature

Just wondering if there is an update on this item. Prepping for the summer right now with the influx of seasonal staff.

Chris, while this is something we are exploring, it's likely to be an integration with Homebase.

If you need a staff timeclock, look there.  It's a great tool.

We need to track staff hours worked with a time clock. We would also like a report that could calculate pro pay for lessons/clinics each pay period.

@Tim, Homebase is pretty amazing, and I would support that approach

Please add this feature

Please please add even a simple version for only hourly employees.  We wouldn't need any pto tracking.

Please add a checkin/out clock for admin staff.  I'm sure every club would use this.  Looks like this has been suggested for years. 

Any update on this? Payroll integration would be a huge value add!

Up Next

Great News - CourtReserve has decided to do this feature and will commit to start in Q4 -2024 and roll out early 2025! 



Happy to be part of Beta testing if that helps

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