
Lock member information after registration

John Hagen 1 year ago in Memberships updated by Jeannette Loakman 1 year ago 2

When a registered/approved member pulls up their profile, they are able to edit every field, including their phone number.  Our physical access to courts is controlled by the member's cellphone.  We vet the phones before granting membership, by confirming the phone number belongs to that member.   If the member is able to change their phone number in CourtReserve whenever they want, they are able to reserve courts for other, non-members (= aRemoteLock code goes to a non-member's phone).  People are doing this as a "side business" and charging their "customers".  Checking "Do Not Allow Edits for Family Members" prevents the Primary from changing any of those phone numbers.  But each family member (and the Primary) can still log in and change their phone number from their "Personal Information" screen.  The ask here is to disallow edits to profile fields - at least the phone number field. If the member needs to legitimately change their phone number, they'll have to contact the court coordinator and have that new phone number vetted the same.

WE also have problems with members who "transfer" their membership to other people by changing the name and emails.  We too would like some control (admin only) over these changes.  For us we have a waitlist of nearly 1500 so membership is precious!