In Review

Admins Being Able to Add to Membership Waitlist

Sharon Voelzke 1 year ago in Memberships updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1


A couple of important adds that would be lifesavers for us with respect to Membership Waitlist:

1) Allow Admins to Add People to a Membership Waitlist (even if waitlist not turned on to the public) We are maintaining an off system list to track the people requesting to be added to the Waitlist because we are actively selling memberships to a finite list of players (so the waitlist functionality is not showing or in the menu). We needed to be able to offer a variety of memberships to the people on the Waitlist (not just the one they were waitlisted for) so we had to administer a fully manual process. Being able to edit the date they joined the waitlist would be helpful as well. Human error has required us to manually remember when people were accidentally not added but should have been. 

2) Combine Membership Waitlists w/ a Drop down- so you can easily add/delete people from one or more lists if they chose a different membership.

3) Consider Prompting the User- Do you want to delete this member from the membership waitlist? If they have bought a new membership since joining a WAITLIST. We are manually deleting people who are on the Membership Waitlist A and Membership Waitlist B who bought Membership C.
