Waiting on Votes

Allow lessons and packages to be purchased without a membership.

Josh Sommers 1 year ago in Memberships updated by Susy Pacheco 1 year ago 2

As a customer, I'd like to be able to purchase a punch pass or lesson from an organization without having to be assigned a membership.

As a customer, I'd like to be able to get access to a facility based on the purchase of a punch pass

As an admin, I'd like to be able to sell punch passes to customers who aren't ready to purchase a full membership

As an admin, I'd like to sell lessons to non-members

As an admin, I'd like to see active punch pass holders as well as in-active punch pass holders (once a punch pass is consumed)

As an admin, I'd like to grant access to the facility after the punch pass had been purchased (notification will work of the pass being purchased while we don't have a complete physical access integration)

As an admin, I'd like to restrict access to the facility after the punch pass had been consumed (notification will work of the pass being completely used at time of final reservation had been completed while we don't have a complete physical access integration)