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Program Filter - Separate the two clauses in ""Hide Ineligible and/or Programs with no remaining spot(s)"

Tracey ITAdmin 1 year ago in Settings / Configuration / Permissions updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

By separating the two clauses in ""Hide Ineligible and/or Programs with no remaining spot(s)", we could create a Program Filter that would exclude Programs that are full but still display Programs that the viewer might be ineligible for. Example: we would like to create a public link to show only Summer Camps that have availability BUT since our Camps have an age restriction (7 - 10 years old), no Camps display because the user would have to have an account and an entered DOB and even then, if they are a parent, they still wouldn't be able to view the camps because they are not the correct age.