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Event notifications at event level

Vijay Kandeth 2 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by CRBooking Support 2 years ago 5 2 duplicates

Can we add a feature to event notifications so that instead of being global as it currently is, can we have the option of making it also event specific?

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Hi Vijay! Thanks for this idea! Are you speaking about event notifications to the Admin or the Player/Member? 
Can you provide some examples of which emails you would like to be even specific and who the recipient is? 
Thank you! 

Hi Kim, we would also like to have this implemented.  We have some events where we also specify the names in the court bookings (which we do separately as opposed to using court assignment in the event, since it gives us more flexibility).  In this case, we do not want the event to send reminder notifications since the booking will do so and we want to avoid duplicates.  But we have other cases where the event results in a big block booking on the schedule and we do not add the registrant names.  In this case, we would like the event to send a reminder notification since the booking will not.  Therefore it would be useful for us to be able to decide per event whether it sends out notifications or not.  Let me know if you require more examples.. Annie