
Automatic Ratings for New Members

Tom Jakob 1 year ago in Memberships updated by Doug Kozak 1 year ago 1

I think it would be a good idea to have the system be capable of automatically assigning newly-created profiles with an introductory rating. 

In our business, all programs require a rating to sign up, and a lot of new members come to us with no tennis experience. So when they try to register for our introductory programs, they can't because our team has to assign them the rating. They then have to send us an email to have their profile updated with the rating. And in that period of time, the spot in their desired program might get filled. 

I feel like CR can help us improve new-customer satisfaction by implementing a function that would auto-assign all new members with a generic rating. Additionally, a function could be implemented that would allow members to request a higher rating (if they have experience) that would then require staff approval through an on-court evaluation.

This is a great idea, we are running into some of the same struggles that Tom's organization is. We would love to see this feature.