In Progress

Ability to require approvals on specific Memberships

CRBooking Support 3 years ago in Memberships updated by Michael Arding 2 months ago 8

Currently it is a single setting to determine whether all memberships require approval or not.  It would be nice to have this setting for each type of membership so that most do not need approval but a few types do

top-feature-request Q4-2024
Under Review

We totally agree! 

Waiting on Votes

Right now when players or members are purchasing memberships, there are no approvals in place at all.  This idea is to add a new approval level at the membership level instead of the CR account level.

To specific membership types so for example a time limited guest membership can automatically be approved.  A full membership needs approval.

by membership type for renewals would also work -- currently have member purchase a non playing renewal  membership then after payment received ( seperate from CR ) we  change the membership type -  would be easier to track by being able to simply approve once payment confirmed 

This would be a great feature for us.  We offer a trial membership with a discounted rate.  It is meant for people new to the club and our sport.  It would be great to approve those sighing up for this as often we see the discounted membership rate being abused by folks who have allready had a membership type here . But we have no front desk, so allowing automatic approvals of other memberships is ideal.