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Allow member of high-tier membership to give discount if playing with member of low-tier membership

Ricardo Callado 3 years ago in Reservations updated 2 years ago 6

For example:

  • Lower-tier membership pay  $15 per session.
  • High-tier membership allows member to add guests to their reservations for $8.
  • If a high-tier member add a lower-tier member to their reservation, the lower-tier gets charge $15.
  • I would like to have the option for the lower-tier member to pay $8, instead of $15 when playing with a high-tier member.

The workaround has been to have the members of the high-tier membership add the lower-tiered members as guests so that the other player pays the lower guest fee ($8) instead of the usual $15. However, there can't be split billing that way for those gyms that do not have a front desk.

Really like this idea and will review it in our next planning meeting.

Hi Tim, just checking in to see if this idea is in the planning. 

Waiting on Votes

Thank you very much for looking into it, Tim. This is the only issue preventing our gym from being fully automated.