Front Desk Dashboard w/Analytics
Tim Owens 6 years ago
in Check-In / Attendance Tracker
updated by James Leigh 4 months ago •
• 1 duplicate
We need a front desk dashboard to see all reservations/events and a quick way to check in members when they walk into the club.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Surprised not more discussion about this ---
It would be really nice to have a dashboard landing page showing current day - weekly and things like new member signup ---etc
Chris - would love to get more feedback here. What kind of metrics would you like to see on a "dashboard"? Want to get this into the development pipeline. Thanks!
Dashboard Menu Option on Left
A Welcome Space announcement at the top that is changeable for example. Could be left blank or we could add in text. Would be more bigger and Bolder
Welcome Beginners - Time to Play
Todays View - and another Tab for weekly view
Each view - would show the number of members signed up for an event or who have booked a court. With a click of on the plus side you would see who is attending.
Next to name - amount Due - Check in Button ( if checking in only) A Pay Button (would check them in and Pay (cc too)) and a delete button. Also a button to add a guest which would show fee and add to the total Due
Would love to be able to have the guest fee as part of each members profile with the ability to default an amount.
Button to Sign Up a new member and families on the fly.
Also, somewhere up top, not hidden but some type of check box that if checked then you could not move to another screen.
We could check that box and members could check themselves in and pay without us worrying they would click somewhere and be diverted back to the entire menu. Smaller club and having the ability to self sign in would be great.
We have created a custom field called "Level of play" Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. Would love to see this show up next to their name and have the ability to change that field on the fly.
Space to show club announcements - Nothing major but the ability to see with a quick glance something important and maybe even a picture
Now accepting Credit Cards
Pro Shop Sale through Sunday
Sign up for a Lesson
Make it compatible for a I Pad or tablet
If we have a special event - have the ability to Feature an event then let them sign for that event. Featured event would be defaulted by us on the admin side - ability to sign up and pay
Good start - I will have some more next few days.
Thanks for listening
Hi. I work at a busy centre in Spain and I was thinking of a dashboard screen that would appear rather like a Departure Board at an airport where clients/members could see on a large screen which court they are on (like the Deaparture Gate info) and be time-relative. Is there something like this already or would this be a possibility?
Hi James- yes, take a look at our Reservations widget. Please reach out to our live chat support for more information or email [email protected]
Thanks Kim - will have a look and see if it fits the bill.
I have taken a look but we couldn´t use it on a ´viewing screen´ in its current form. Are there any plans to increase the ´filtering´available? We would need to be able to reduce the number of columns and what can be shown within the columns - hide columns and a similar filtering ability to MS Excel would be ideal.