Waiting on Votes

Automatic Batch Billing

Ricardo Callado 3 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Chadwick Campbell 1 year ago 6

Having the option to automate Batch Billing (invoices and payments) on a certain date of the month. 

Waiting on Votes

definitely need this.  also, need to be able to set custom default batch billing settings (for example default right now is to NOT charge credit cards, just invoices, which I never do, and, today I mistakenly ran the whole thing, forgetting to charge credit cards, so I had to run it twice on a lot of people.  oops!

We'd like to automate the batch billing for a date AND time. Or have it kick off as soon as a new membership is added.

The process should include an option to exclude all accounts that have an existing invoice where they are still within the due date of the invoice.

Adding a vote to this, with a related request.  We run batch billing on the 1st of every month (invoices only), and collect payment on the 8th (7 days later).  It would be nice to be able to schedule the running of the batch billing, but even more valuable to be able to schedule the collection of payments after X days.