Waiting on Votes

Ability to allow member booking the reservation to opt-in to show personal info on schedulers

Mike Minear 3 years ago in Reservations updated by Nancy Row 1 year ago 4

(vast majority of our residents want privacy and no names listed but a few make loud noises they want their name seen by all)  When we check box to say RESERVATION and no names to please the 80% that want privacy could members have an OPT in box they check so they personally can show all their DATA to everyone in community. 

Waiting on Votes

Rather than have the opt-in or out button on the reservation itself, have an option that allows a member to go "dark" or anonymous - on ANY reservation!  They simply show up as "Member" rather than their name.

e.g. "Keep my name anonymous on bookings" Y/N 

Agree with Jeannette.  We would like opt in/out on member profile so they can decide whether or not to display their name on reservations or events.