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Admin Alerts for full events, full courts, etc...

Curtis Stensland 3 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

As an admin, I would like to know how my courts are being used and how full my classes/events are without having to constantly check. I find that I just end up missing things. I would like to set alerts based on certain conditions. The ones coming to mind now are if on the court utilization 'heat map' any time slot gets over 90%, or if any of my classes fill up over a certain percentage (or reach a certain number of spots remaining). Currently our club rents court space and also has classes. This would help me see when the courts are either full of rentals so I can decrease the class size to allow more court rentals, or conversely increase the class size if it is already full and we have courts available. Thanks.