
Allow individual control to publish email and/or phone to public member groups

Admin DTC 3 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by Mark Bland 2 years ago 2

We would _love_ to publish a member directory accessible to our members, but there are a few issues we consider big blockers:
- there is currently one flag "Exclude Account Information From Public Groups" which allows a member to allow or not allow their phone number and email to be published. In talking to our members, and from the use of our previous software, which had finer grained control, we know that some people want to publish only their email, some want to publish only their phone, and some want both. Please change the one existing flag to two flags, allowing individual control.
- the description of this field, "Exclude Account Information From Public Groups" is not great. If a member in the system is looking at their profile, they might not not realize that this is related to a member directory, and if they see the word "public" they might think that anybody in the public can see the info, vs just other members. So I think it could be worded better, and perhaps also have a popup info field which goes into more detail.


Really love this and totally agree.  We will get this planned in an upcoming sprint! 

Giving control at the member level for either completely out of all directories, do not share phone and do not share email in directories would be awesome.  This would mean a family for example could have everyone in the directory but chose to hide the children entirely and maybe one parent hides their email while still enabling the club to communicate.