
Add Waiver signature or some indication whether waiver was signed to member report

CRBooking Support 3 years ago in Reports / Member Report updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 4

When reporting on the members that have renewed for the new season, it would be nice to run a report that includes their membership type, balance and status (which we currently have) plus the waiver signature all in one report which would indicate to us that the renewal is complete.

In Review

Love this idea! 

Just a yes/ no or true/ false indication of whether member has signed waiver (rather the signature) in the member report would be enough.


We urgently need a way to identify the people who purchased a membership and did not sign a waiver, since anyone who purchases their membership via the Family->Purchase button route is not presented with a waiver to sign.  Currently your waiver report only shows the people who DID sign the waiver, not the ones who did not.