Waiting on Votes

Add a filter option for Membership directory for members who opt out of being listed in directory.

Terri Bourne 3 years ago in Reports / Member Report updated by Danny McDowell 3 months ago 4

For the Membership Directory or member groups add a filter option to exclude members who wish not to be listed.

Waiting on Votes


We would really like to publish our membership directory to members on court reserve and create groups so people of the same level can find each other.  Is there anyway currently to filter out the members who do not wish to be listed on a public directory or in public member groups?

I can't imagine that we are the only club that offers an opt out option.  


A versatile solution would provide a list of data fields so the member that can chose what information is public on membership directories, and/or a "Directory comments" free-text field for each member that is displayed on the directory lists allowing the member to convey things such as "not available on Thursdays" or "prefer evening times" or "call me to verify my availability" or "not available Jun 2-8"