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Locked-in ratings from player end, afterwards Admin can only adjust player ratings

Abbey Watanabe 3 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by Christy Howden 2 years ago 3

When players first sign up, they can designate a player level. Afterwards, only admin can change it. Allow players to initially sign up and set up an account, but changes to admin only (aka coaches) so that when they progress, the coaches can help supervise it. 

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Yes-- be able to make the self-rating field mandatory but not editable after the initial fill out by player -- only admin can modify. currently, I can lock it but can't make a it mandatory field for account creation.

We use ratings to allow entry into certain groups and we have a subset of players that have figured out that if they change their rating they can get in and sometimes miss us finding it in time which really makes a mess of play-- since they can't hang but now we are short players if I send them packing