
Be able to make split payments between giftcards and credit cards in the Point of Sale, not just cash and giftcard.

Linda Thorsen 3 years ago in Point of Sale / Inventory Management updated by Frank Gabriele 2 years ago 4

Is there a solution in the works regarding the POS when you have someone using a gift card/certificate? Right now the only option is for people to just use the gift card with a split cash payment. No way to use a CC and a gift card that I am aware of. We sell a ton of gift certificates during the holidays and it causes a big problem for us when people try to use them.

Currently whenever Cash is used first on a split payment through POS, the credit card option does not populate at all. It would be way easier to input the cash first and then split payment and swipe the card, but right now that is not an option.  

Most of the time a request for a split payment involves a credit card. This is a good idea!

Ditto Beverly's message. Gift card followed by CC is the best-practice standard. We have scores and scores of open gift cards still to process.