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Allow Event Restrictions using Dynamic Groups

Rob Hill 3 years ago in Events / Programming updated 3 years ago 2

Please allow us to use Dynamic Member Groups and not just Static Member Groups in the Event Registration Restrictions.  Dynamic groups would allow us to easily manage our members and the events would automatically update based on our update of members.

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Hey Rob, Let me jump in. It's currently designed this way for performance. Can you imagine the complexity to look up all the events "on the fly" for each event and check all the restrictions for each logged-in member? This system would be under a very heavy load to do that. We do have a feature coming in our next release to allow you to convert a dynamic group into a static group to make this easier. We may look at this in the future, but right now, we plan on leaving this at the static groups for now.


No problem, I get that kind of a view would slow the system down.  But you bring up a good thought that would semi-automate the process. Even a button that allowed us to apply the filters while keeping the group static would be good. We would only have to use the button when we change some people's ratings (or other filter criteria).  I'm afraid with up to 400 members, I'm going to miss adding a certain player of a certain rating and they're going to lose it on me.