Waiting on Votes

When issuing a refund or a balance credit, the party receiving the credit or balance credit is sent an email notification.

Doug Kozak 3 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by Danny McDowell 4 months ago 6

When issuing a refund or a balance credit, the party receiving the credit or balance credit is sent an email notification. This allows for people to know that they are getting their money back and how. This would reduce confusion. 

Waiting on Votes

Please consider this idea. CR does such a great job emailing members for other issues.  Members expect an email when they are refunded as well.

@Deborah Symons I totally agree! 

This email notification would be such a nice piece of customer service. Our club does about 70 refunds a week which I currently manually email. This would cut down the work load of clubs significantly. 

I hope this get completed soon!

I agree refund notifications from the system to the person receiving the refund would improve communication with members. Currently members have to check their credit cards to see if the refund was processed to their account.

This just seems like a normal business function to notify a customer of a refund that was process for their record keeping, how does courtreserve not build this in?  

Please make it an option, such as "Send notification to the member"