Waiting on Votes

Re: Cancel Dates, The way you have “Cancels” setup- You have to “Delete” the Reservation to Create a “record” of a Cancelation for Reporting. I wonder if you would consider setting up a way of “Flagging” Cancelations (and No-Shows).

John OBeirne 3 years ago in Reports / New Report Suggestion updated by Justin Harrell 2 years ago 2

Re: Cancel Dates,

The way you have “Cancels” setup- You have to “Delete” the Reservation to Create a “record” of a Cancelation for Reporting. I wonder if you would consider setting up a way of “Flagging” Cancelations (and No-Shows) without having to delete the Reservation? This is particularly important for Lessons. We can’t “track” Cancelations & No Shows for Lesson Reservations. More importantly, we can’t track them down to the “Pro” level. Some of our Pros are getting paid for all of these “No Shows” and “Late Cancels”. I have no way of quantifying how many Lessons are actually taught. I’ve got some Pros getting paid for 8 hours while only stepping on the court for 3 hours because of Late Cancels and No Shows. If there is something in CR, let me know.

Waiting on Votes

Also tagging this one for EVENTS -- have talked to a few people (MBPC most recently) that need a way to to report on people who cancel from events last minute, especially if they are using Batch Billing and are not charging up-front. Event Cancellations only tracks cancelled dates, not the individual cancellations.