Waiting on Votes

Report or filter feature on existing reports for the signed W & R

Debra Russell 2 years ago in Add-On Modules / Waivers / Membership Agreements (add-on) updated by Deborah Symons 2 years ago 4

It would be great to add to the waiver report a filter that shows students with an unsigned waiver.  As of now, the waiver report is only showing those who signed. 

and, OR add a field option to the reports such as the EVENTS events and the ATTENDANCE  reports have a field that will give us a list of those you signed and those who are unassigned.  THe best place would be on the attendance report for sure.

Thank you

Waiting on Votes

Tim's reaction to a comment made in the waiver seminar suggested he understood immediately the need for report on who had NOT signed the waiver.  Fingers crossed this comes soon. The system doesn't seem to insist on waiver signing (it catches the owner of the account who pays for memberships or those who book but not folks who are paid for by a primary family member of booked to play by a friend.  The who-has-NOT-signed the waiver report will help clubs track down all players who have yet to sign a waiver. 

This is a key report which is important from a club liability standpoint.

I would like the same feature on the waiver report as well.  I need to find out who hasn't signed the waiver yet.