
Reservation Report by date range - Showing Covid-19 Vaccination status for all booking players and partners

RJC Carruthers 2 years ago in Reports / Reservation Report updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

There is now an excellent "Attendance" report for Events that can show all participant's Vaccination status.

For Events. Run an attendance report for any particular date or range.

Alternatively, you can also run an Events - Registrant Detail report, and include Covid-19 status.

There is currently nothing similar for Reservations.

In B.C., we must currently check the vaccine passport for all participants at every event, or record the vaccination status for all players and screen players with an unknown status.  We are doing the latter, but it would be impossible to do this for court reservations.

I would recommend adding the Covid-19 Vaccination status as an available field in Reports - Reservations.

The tricky bit, is the report would need to show the status for the partners as well as the booking player. 

Rob Carruthers


RJC, great idea.  If you didn't know you can uncheck the GROUP RESERVATIONS BY MEMBERS to see each member on its own.