Please allow Guests to be added to Lesson Reservations just like Court Reservations.
John OBeirne 3 years ago
in Instructors / Lessons
updated by Tim Owens 3 weeks ago •
• 1 duplicate
Please allow Guests to be added to Lesson Reservations just like Court Reservations.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This would be a great feature to add to the DFC!
This would be incredibly helpful to our club.
Definitely something I would like to have as our members are regularly inviting guests to their lessons. Tracking this would be very helpful at my club.
Better yet, I know of many clubs who permit guests to come only a certain amount of times per month. Tracking that would be life changing for these clubs.
Please consider devoting some time to making this feature a reality! If members can add guests to events it makes sense that lessons would be next. The WCC would really benefit from this!