
Mass reassign of people to a different Membership Type

CRBooking Support 2 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated 1 year ago 3

Would be great if we could generate a list of people via report or however and be able to assign all these people to a new membership type.


Hi Tim

Just wanted to make sure this is still on your radar and hoping to get a commitment that we can have this by October.  This is quite important to us in order for us to process our membership renewals for next season, which we start in the beginning of November.

FYI ....We tried getting Support to do the mass membership move of 200 users for us this year, based on a spreadsheet that we downloaded from a member report which we filtered on our desired criteria.  The move was eventually done but because we could not control the timing of the effort, it ended up causing more trouble than help.  It would be really great if admins had this function which we could trigger on our timelines, so that we can more precisely schedule the timing of when this is done, relative to other workflow items in our membership renewal process.

By the way, we were shown the filters that were available to the support staff in the mass move interface available for them and the filters don't meet our needs.  We need to move the results of a filtered member report (which so far we are filtering based on the values in a custom field).