
Treat Pre-Purchase button similarly to Purchase button on the My Family Interface

CRBooking Support 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 2

Currently when we set up our memberships to expire, a Purchase button appears next to each family member's name so that any adult in the family can purchase new memberships for everyone in the family.  When we set up the "pre-purchase" scenario so that people can buy new memberships while their existing memberships are still active, the Pre-Purchase button only appears for the logged on person and not for the rest of his family.  Can you make the pre-purchase button appear for everyone, just like it does for the Purchase button?


This is very important for us at Davisville. Some of our memberships expire before the renewal season, but the main ones do not. So for some people renewing it's a Purchase that needs to be done, and for others a Pre-Purchase. It seems very arbitrary to allow only the Purchase from the family view. The only way to get around this is to ask the individual family member to log into their own account to do it, but in fact, that doesn't even work for family members marked Child, since they do not have those rights. So the only solution we have found for children is that an admin needs to get involved and delete the existing membership mannually.