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Enhanced filters to exclude some people, when emailing members

Admin LPTC 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Right now on Members | Email you can filter people based on Member Groups and/or Memberships. It would be very useful to add after that the ability to exclude some of those people, based on Member Groups and/or Memberships.

e.g. we are starting with a set of users, some of whom have no active memberships, and others who have an active 2021 membership ending slightly in the future. We captured this list of people in Member Groups. We are asking people to renew for 2022 by purchasing or pre-purchasing 2022 memberships.

We want to periodically mail a reminder to people that have not yet renewed for 2022, but there is no easy way to do it. We want to be able to write a filter like:

people from these XXX member groups except people from these YYY memberships. i.e. we want to bring in the 2021 member groups, and then exclude the people that already bought 2022 memberships.

So perhaps something simple like:

Filter players by Member Groups (this is already there)

Filter players by Memberships (already there)

except if they are in these Member Groups

except if they are in these Memberships