Waiting on Votes

Waitlist - Auto Add Criteria

Rob Hill 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 2

When the event is set to auto-register from waitlist, it would be good if you could provide us with a way to configure the order of acceptance criteria.  We are looking to give more equitable playing time in our organization.

Options would include: 

First on the list (default)

First on the list who hasn't reached their booking limits

For example:

People are limited to 1 booking per week and they game the system by registering for an event that is full first and then registering for an event with empty spots.  On the day of the event, we lift the advanced booking restrictions which means that someone who has already reached their booking limit could take priority over someone who hasn't had a chance to play yet.  

We would like to be able to configure the event waitlist to run some For loops to take the first person on the waitlist who hasn't had a chance to play this week over someone who has.

If we just as admins had the discretion to re-order people that would be ideal

Waiting on Votes