
Billing Occurring Even Though a Member Cancels Their Membership

Annette Moore 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

We set our Membership Dues Notification to be 7 days, thinking the member would get an email 7 days prior to the due date, so if they cancelled their membership, or changed it, they would not be charged on their due date. However, Justin indicated that CR has set its Membership Dues Notification date to be simultaneously the same as the Billing Cycle getting generated. As such, if someone cancels their membership, it is still going to show a balance due, and an Administrator has to go in and manually cancel the membership dues. We would prefer, that the Billing Cycle not be tied to the Membership Dues Notification. The Billing Cycle should stay as the next due date, so if a member goes in and cancels their membership within that 7 day email notification timeframe, they will not be charged for that upcoming billing cycle. This would remove the need to have to manually void that transaction. 


Great idea Annette.  Discussed this one with the team, and we agree.  We are going to make a change so that if a member cancels their membership (and there is a future fee) just go ahead and remove it.