Waiting on Votes

Allow members to add a note to a signup

Rob Hill 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Nathan Peluchette 6 months ago 4

It would be handy if we could allow members to put in a custom note for their signup which would be shown to the admins and/or the other members.  This is useful when people want to manually enter their playing partners for the day or that they are specifically there for drilling or any other use.

Waiting on Votes

This needs to happen. The functionality is provided in Playtime scheduler that puts a note section at the bottom of the registrants list. So, if player1 signed up for an open play that runs 3 hours but cant show up until an hour in people know ahead of time. Having a small message board that players post if need by at registration would improve the player experience. 

If you use events, here is a workaround: 

Settings -> Event Settings -> Custom Fields -> Create New

Category = Event Registrant

Field Type = your choice

Label = "Comment"

Check off "Show on Registrant List"

Go into your event setup and add "Comment" to the "Event Registrants Custom Fields"