
Have multiple sign up forms for different membership types

Ashley Owens 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Christopher Zee 3 months ago 3

Clubs often have different requirements for payment and questions for memberships so it would be great to create more than one sign up form and attach to specific memberships.

This would be useful indeed; in our case of students and community members, some membership types already have personal information (address, email) inherited from other systems, so having the possibility of separate membership sign up forms for some membership types reduces their sign-up burden.


Great idea! 

Yes, this would be VERY helpful! We have Junior Members where we need questions answered such as allergies, medical conditions and Parent/Guardian name, and then they are assigned to levels Red/Green/Orange/Yellow ball which do not apply to adults. Or we have Family Memberships and Associate Memberships which have questions that do not apply to a "regular Single Membership. It would be IDEAL if there could be unique web pages for each of these, so that the correct questions get answered.