
Make X Days Past Due to suspend account field work for One Time Price memberships

CRBooking Support 3 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Rob Hill 1 year ago 3

I have been told that the X Days Past Due to Suspend Account field only works with memberships that have a billing cycle.  We use the "One Time Price" option but are having issues with people who pick the memberships but don't pay.  We won't like a way to be able to automatically suspend or cancel the membership after X days if no payment is received.


Love this idea.  We are going to be building an automated rules engine so you can setup rules like this to happen automatically! 

Will this feature be ready by the end of the season so we can have it for our membership renew process next season?  We start this in November!

We would like to see this in action as well.  If a member owes money for x days, then the system should have the ability to automatically suspend their account until they are paid up.