In Review

Improved membership description for portal settings

Alex Miler 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Marc Kiezebrink 2 years ago 2

Right now, what is shown on the member's portal as feature list is not complete. It only it only lists the days in advance, court count per week/per day, hours before reservation cancellation penalty, and costs.

If you have rules setup for number of hours per week or any other restriction, it is not extracted from the system. Extracting a full rule deck from the system and displaying clearly on the member's portal would be good as oppose to using "Add additional feature" for each membership type and listing rules that have not been extracted.

If we have to go with "Add additional feature", it would we good to have one place that all non-extracted features are captured by the admin and, under membership portal settings, there is a pull-down menu what to include. Right now for every membership type, you have to add the feature even though it might be the same feature for all memberships (example could be a by-pass rule and number of hours prior to court time).

I agree, and I would like to add something to avoid opening a complete new topic on this. Right now I am unable to edit or rearrange the features picked by Court Reserve. There are certain features I want to display in the membership details, but those are not the ones CR picked. If I create another feature, it will show up last in the list, when I wanted it to be on top. If I check the mark to hide the features, it will hide not only CR features, but also the one I just created.

This is the membership detail page, a place where potential members decide what type of membership they will take. In my opinion it is important to show them the features that I want to emphasize. I have added a screenshot to show you where my newly created feature is down on the list and makes no sense at all in context with the other features.