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Enhance Admins Troubleshooting Ability

Dave M 2 years ago in Settings / Configuration / Permissions updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 3 1 duplicate

Allow Super Admin the ability to Impersonate a member in order to increase Admin troubleshooting ability

Currently if a member has a problem that an Admin is diagnosing the Admin goes through a list of questions to determine what the issue is. Admins are often dealing with members with limited computer skills. Asking a member to describe what they are experiencing, Zoom share or to send screenshots is laborious. Requesting Chat Support adds time to Admins and pulls resources from CR. Understandably Chat Support is not available 24 hrs. a day or weekends.

Benefits of Super Admin role with the ability to 'Impersonate' a member:

  •  Super Admin could quickly experience what the member is seeing & significantly reduce troubleshooting time of the Admin & CR Chat Support
  • Super Admin could provide select Admins the ability to impersonate
  • Limiting this feature to a Super Admin would increase the Club's control of this troubleshooting feature and reduce the chances of an Admin impersonating a member and making unauthorized purchases. 
    • This would be similar to the functionality that CR Support has now.
Duplicates 1
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LOVE THIS!  We could give you a way to impersonate a generic member of type X