
Assign Specific Reservation Types to Specific Courts

John OBeirne 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

We would like to be able to Limit the Type of Reservations a Court may have.  For example, our Outdoor Courts only allow the Ball Machine on OTC 17. There is no electrical outlet other than 17.  Our Desk and Members should only be able to book the Ball Machine on 17.  We want to be able to avoid the ball machine being booked on 1-16.  Additionally, our Desk/Members shouldn't be able to book a Paddle reservation on any other court except Paddle Courts.  In other words, booking the "Wrong Reservation Type" to the wrong type of court, needs to be addressed.  In the same way we can "assign" certain "Lesson Types" to certain Pros, we want to do the same for Court Reservations.  As it stands right now, our Desk is able to assign ANY type of Court Reservation to ANY location.  We should be able to force a "filtering" of Reservation Types to specific Courts.  If accidentally our Desk books a Paddle game on a Pickle court, a "Warning" + prohibition should force our Desk/Member to choose the proper court type. Please advise.