
Additional payment types

Cheryl Golgart 2 years ago in Settings / Configuration / Permissions updated by Tracey ITAdmin 1 year ago 2

Many of our clients are paying with Venmo, CashApp, PayPal & Zelle. I’d like to be able have those listed in the payment type if possible.  Not sure if this falls under settings, transactions or 3rd party integration. 

we absolutely LOVE CourtReserve!!

It has streamlined so many of the everyday minutiae for our staff & our clients are finding it easy to navigate. 

Many thanks to everyone,

Cheryl & Brian Golgart

Flex Tennis 

Lawnwood Tennis Center


[email protected] 

We would really like to be able to have a setup table for Payment Types as well. Right now we are using Gift Card for our in-person debits. Also, Canadian payments are just that much different than American options that it would be very useful to create ones that make sense with our banking system.