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Option to maintain invoice number / improve regenerated invoices

Michael Jackson 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

I am trying to get a point where a member will receive only one invoice email from our organisation for their fees for the month – OR if this is not possible, if they have to receive an updated invoice due to a change, then we should be able to have the email contents explain that due to a change to the event, the invoice has been updated. Perhaps Have the Invoice number stay the same but add a .2, .3 for each version that is regenerated?

What has happened is our members have received multiple emails over the past few weeks as we have needed to adjust various fees or apply credits to their accounts and have received a lot of feedback that they were getting billed multiple times when really we were just resending a revised (regenerated) invoice. Looking to cut down on the confusion.