
Widget Membership Form missing "Membership" dropdown field

Veronica Schaeffer 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Hello, via "Create Account", users can select the Membership option they'd like since we made that a mandatory field on our sign up form.  However, when we are using our Member Registration Widget that's embedded on our website, members cannot select "Membership" as the field is not there.  Our potential members are wondering why they can do it one way and not the other.  It's confusing for everyone.  Can we have "Membership" field added as a dropdown field ASAP?  It does not make sense that it's not there and seems like this was missed when this feature was implemented.



Yes, right now, the widget was never designed for memberships.  I have added this to the queue, but it may take a couple of weeks to get out.  My recommendation is just to link a button on your website to the public signup form, which has memberships until the widget has been updated.  Thanks!