
Allow members to see registrants listed in order they signed up vs alphabetical

Marci Imbriaco 3 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by Jeff Donald 2 years ago 6

In Tennis doubles we need multiples of four players  for a court so if you signed up as the 13th person you may not play. Unfortunately members see the registrants in alphabetical order  versus order the registrants signed up so they do not know if they are the 13th, 14th 15th player and possible won't play. 

I do realize the admin can see in registration order but it does not help players 

Is this idea being considered in the near future? Thank you.

We have a strong need for this as well...

Like the author, we run several programs that are "captained" by a member, for which the registration order is needed to to decide, "who get's in."

Tim, this feature would greatly benefit our community of Tennis players. We are working hard to encourage additional play within our community and this feature would help us immensely! Thank you for your consideration.  

This would be the main feature that Signup Genius has that makes Signup Genius better than Court Reserve. If Court Reserve would do this, then Court Reserve would have it all. 
Ed Buttolph, tennis admin scheduler

Definitely needed for any event where the order of signup is important - like every event we have at our club!