Waiting on Votes
Automatic monthly recurring billing and registration for weekly events that are ongoing
For our events that are ongoing such as our weekly Junior Competitive Team, we would like to have automatic monthly billing and automatic re-registration so the family does not have to re-register and payment comes out of their account automatically each month, in the same way their monthly membership payment does.
Customer support service by UserEcho
We have been using recurring billing for a couple of years now and this would make life a lot easier for the members and staff.
Also would like separate recurring membership types for monthly events (such as strength/conditioning classes) that could be cancelled by the client at any time (1 month notice required).
We are looking at how we could create "Add-on" memberships to do things like this. It would allow a player to add on additional items to their membership and have that reoccurring fee hit monthly. Could be used for ball machine subscriptions, summer pool memberships, league fees, or reoccurring monthly events. Would give lots of flexibility for these kinds of add-ons!