Waiting on Votes

Electronic Voting

Administrative Director 2 years ago in Add-On Modules updated by Doug Smook 1 year ago 5

Our Board of Directors was wondering if there are plans to implement an electronic voting module. Board elections and other member By-Laws issues are addressing with electronic voting. Since CourtReserve has detailed information on members including suspensions, current payments, etc., it would also be great to integrate electronic voting so we would not have to track these details in another program as well.

Waiting on Votes

Excellent idea. We have to use 3rd party "Election Buddy" software and Excel to do elections which is time consuming and inefficient. Every club has the same issues,and this would be a great benefit to their members and administrators. This software enhancement could be used to get member vote results on all kinds of ideas and questions that come up for clubs and their members.. 

Thank you! We are still using mail-in and hand-written ballot voting. Electronic would be a huge step up, and CR would be a great program for it!


Our club would love this as well.  If I had some votes left, I would give this 3 of them.  I think most clubs would be willing to pay-per-vote or pay-per-survey.  The beauty of this would be that you already have our active member base so that wouldn't need to be verified.

Would be very useful at our club as well.  Currently using a 3rd party app.  Having this built into CR and tied to membership it would increase the accuracy and accountability of the vote(s).