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Add Custom Member Fields to Membership Directory in Member Portal

David Loendorf 2 years ago in Website Builder updated by Doug Smook 1 year ago 5

Our members are asking us to display custom field information in the Member Directory table in the Member Portal. We can add the information to the Member List in the Admin portal but would like the option to also show it in the Member Directory.

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I would like to see something like this as well. We have a few custom fields we've added that we would like to be shown on the directory. We also had a request to add address to this view as well. So the options to add "anything" would be nice here.

We specifically are hoping to show Emergency Contact information as we had an incident happen over the weekend. Would love to see this put into motion ASAP as our players are adamant that we find a solution to this.

Yes, our club would also like to show Emergency Contact information for each member.  We too had a situation where a member was injured on the court, transported to the hospital and the other players did not know who to contact.

It is a current value in our existing website that we are transitioning from and the additional information we collect is utilized frequently.  Thank you