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Easier check in for family members

Christopher Jaques 2 years ago in Check-In / Attendance Tracker updated 2 years ago 2

Right now it is a bit cumbersome to check in the "rest of" the family. Let's say a family of 6 was checking in for the pool, a parent is holding a child and a bag. They don't have the ability to check in the rest of the family by going back and forth to the next QR codes.

It would be great if any QR code in the family popped up the rest of the family as well and then that person had the ability to checkmark the rest of the family that are present with them.

This is something we encountered at both Hollow Rock and here at the DFC.

This is great news, any update on timing for this AND would there be an ability to add a guest to your account on this feature as well?