

Tim Owens 3 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Patrick Escalambre 4 weeks ago 18 2 duplicates

Ability for customers to get a discount when they sign up for so many events or spend so much money - a way to auto discount? 

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Waiting on Votes

Also, applying discounts to items in POS for employees


coupon codes. At the payment screen have a spot for coupon codes. Be able to create a discount code and a Expiration. This would allow you to offer different discounts codes with different advertising and help to track what coupon codes are being used. 

Discount Codes would be HUGE!!  Instead of changing pricing back and forth for winter vs summer....it would be so nice to email out a discount code to incentivize people to book courts for a discount.


We have scoped out the UI for both Promo Codes and Discounting - thoughts?

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did this ever follow through? 

This would be great for selling gift cards! If they used a $1000 coupon code on a $25 round, could it add the remainder to their account as a credit? Or they can keep using the code until it runs out of money? Also, it would be great to create a discount code that only works x number of times per member. So, for example you could send out 1 code to every member that hasn't booked in 3 months and they could only use the code 1 time(or however many times you set the code for per member)  

where is this development- happy to product test

Seems like it should be easy to add discount codes for different groups. Please let us know where this is in development.  Thank you.

Hi there! We have Discount Codes/Promo Codes on our Road Map for 2023. Some initial work has been done in the planning, but we are focused on other projects at this time. Once our development team is working on the project the status will change to "In Development" 

Thanks, Kim.  There is a related Idea on the Board here:  https://feedback.courtreserve.com/communities/1/topics/805-showing-discounts-and-discounted-charges-on-invoices  Would it be possible to merge those suggestions into this item (specifically the ones about how these discounts appear on the batch billing invoice)? 

This is a really important feature for my business to be able to utilize. Hopefully it doesn't take another year for some action to be taken! I've witnessed great intent from the idea board, but lack luster follow through on many occasions.

How do we set up a discount for kids summer camp? if they purchase 3 days in a week @ $70 per day, the week cost will be $200 ( a $10 savings)? Thanks, L.T.

Hello, did this ever go live? And are discount codes available yet?

Discount/redemption code functionality  would be incredibly helpful for our business.

following on this too

following up on this